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Widget edited by Dio Rama Aditya

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Key to Scoring the Basketball is Aggressiveness

Offense is no time to be tentative or bashful.If you want to be a big-time offensive player, you really need to be aggressive. Period. You need to want the ball, look to score on every possession, and go after the ball and always look for scoring opportunities.I went to the Clippers-Mavs game recently at Staples Center. I sat about 5 rows up from the court, so I got a pretty good view of the game.

I watched Dirk Nowitzki really closely, trying to pick apart his game, seeing what he does right, and what he goes wrong. Being a great player is not about what you did last season, or last game, or even on the last play. It's about what you do right now, and on the bext play.Let me tell you: there's no doubt he's a big-time player, and almost unstoppable on the offensive end of the court. He's 7-feet tall, but quick, and with amazing ball handling skills. But what really sets him apart on the offensive end of the floor is his aggressiveness.That, among all of his other strong traits, makes him almost unstoppable. He flat out takes it at the defense, and makes them step up to guard him. Remember: as an offensive player, you are in the position of power. The defense has to react to your moves on the court, and your moves with the ball. Take advantage of that.

To be a big-time threat on offense, you have to be aggressive. Very aggressive.You have to make strong cuts, set good, strong screens, make strong dribble moves, and go up strong with your shot. You have to be strong and aggressive and want to crush the defense.Offense is no time to be bashful or hesitant. Watching Nowitzki play last night made it clear to me that one of the keys to being a great offensive player doesn't involve shooting form, backspin, or how high you can jump. It is simple: to be a great offensive player, you have to take it at the D and be aggressive.

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