If you dribble well, you have control out on the basketball court. You don't have to worry about dribbling the basketball because you have confidence. Just believing in yourself and your abilities makes you an offensive threat.
Here I've outlined five secrets to effective dribbling. If you start following these suggestions, you'll be headed in the right direction for gaining confidence on the court.
* Keep Your Head Up . If you're looking at the ball, you can't see the big picture. You will miss precious opportunities to pass the ball to an open teammate. The more you practice dribbling with your head up, the easier it will become.
* Protect the Ball . Get in the habit of dribbling the basketball close to your body, with your opposite hand always up, protecting the ball. This will cut down on the amount of times the defense steals the ball.
* Bounce the Ball Hard Off The Floor . If you bounce the ball hard, that will give you the momentum to make a move to the basket (e.g. crossover, spin dribble). Also, it makes it more difficult for the defense to steal the ball, because the ball is moving faster.
* When Making a Dribble Move - EXPLODE . The first step is crucial in determining if you are or are not going to beat the person guarding you. When you decide to make a move, don't hesitate - explode to the basket.
* Practice Both Hands Equally . You don't want to be labeled by your opponent as the player that only goes to their right or left. Work on both hands equally so the defense has no idea, which way you are going.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Secret Dribbling
Labels: Secret Technic
Nike Pro City (NYC) indoor streetball championship
Prime Time entered the Nike Pro City (68th and Lexington Avenue) playoffs as the top seed. Queensbridge had to defeat X-Men to get in; they peaked at the right time and had the best player in the entire tournament in Houston Rocket forward, Ron Artest... Prime Time came out hot, with former Texas Longhorn Reggie “Hi Five” Freeman hitting a couple deep treys and Sundiata Gaines getting to the rack at will. Queensbridge steadied the ship, as Daryll “Showtime” Hill kept them in it with numerous slashes to the basket for lay ups. Prime Time threatened to blow the game open with the score 51-49 and just under three minutes left in the first half. They closed the half on a 10-2 run, as Freeman hit another trey with 18 seconds left in the second quarter to give Prime Time a 61-51 lead at the intermission. Queensbridge made a run of their own mid-way through the third quarter and tied the game on a superman-like one-handed put back dunk by Ryan “Special FX” Williams.
They then rode the moment to take the lead and entered the fourth stanza with an 80-78 advantage... In the end Queensbridge had it rolling like a well oiled machine as they knocked off Prime Time 118-106 to win the Nike Pro City championship and advance to the Tournament of Champions on August 23... Artest led all scorers with 35 points on 4-for-8 shooting from three, 23 in the second half and nine rebounds. Showtime Hill scored 20 and dished six assists, while Jarrid Frye contributed 19 for the champions. Don Williams came of the bench for Prime Time and led his squad with 20 points and 11 boards. Williams added 19 points, on 3-for-6 shooting from behind the arc, for the losing side.
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Coaching Awards
The Coaching Award Scheme is organised for the development and training of basketball coaches. The Scheme provides an incentive to men and women to improve their knowledge of the game, assesses this knowledge, and enables England Basketball to maintain a list of active coaches prepared to play a part in the development of Basketball in England.
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Preparation adalah gerakan-gerakan persiapan latihan bola basket. Gerakan ini merupakan gerakan dasar yang dibutuhkan dalam permainan bola basket. Tujuannya untuk memperkecil kesalahan gerakan yang akan dilakukan.
Ball position adalah posisi bola pada tangan kamu. Tujuannya adalah agar tangan kamu terbiasa dengan bola basket sehingga bola dapat mudah dikontrol.
Mau Tau Tips Men-drible bola dengan baik??
Cara men-dribble bola :
1. Posisi jari jangn terlalu menyempit atau melebar. Bukalah jari kamu dengan sewajarnya. Yang paling penting, jari-jari kamu nyaman berinteraksi dengan bola
2. Tangan harus rileks
3. Rasakan seakan-akan bola bola dan tangan menjadi 1 kesatuan.
4. Pantulkan bola ke lantai.
5. Lalu, bola tangakap kembali.
6. Rasakan dari irama pantulan bola.
7. Kontrol irama bola dengan pergelangan tangan melalui jari-jari kamu.
Silahkan dicoba.....
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Labels: Tips Dan Trik
Rekor Kemenangan Selusin Celtics
Menghadapi Indiana Pacers, Boston Celtics harus bekerja keras sebelum memastikan kemenagan selusin (ke-12) secara beruntun. Ray Allen menjadi bintang dengan 35 poin yang dia sumbangkan untuk meneruskan kemenangan tim papan atas Boston Celtic saat menang melawan Indiana Pacers 122-117 pada lanjutan kompetisi basket NBA, Conseco Fieldhouse.
"Ray benar-benar mengesankan. Ia tampak menikmati pertandingan, ia berhasil menyelesaikan seluruh lemparan saat kami membutuhkannya"kata pelatih celtics Doc River.
Pada kuarter terakhir, saling susul angka sempat terjadi sebelum kedudukkan sama kuat 105-105 pada pengujung kuarter keempat. Pada masa overtime , Celtics mampu unggul 17-12 atau keseluruhan 122-117.
Meskipun Ray Allen mampu menjadi penyumbang poin terbanyak, pemain terbaik dari Celtics adalah Kevin Garnett yang pada laga tersebut menyumbang 17 poin, 20 rebound, dan 4 assist.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Arti Streetball
Sreetball berasal dari kata Street dan Basketball , yang jika digabungkan menjadi bola basket jalanan. Tapi Streetball lebih dari hanya sekedar permainan bola basket. Street ball adalah kebebasan, kehormatan, dan kecintaan terhadap permainan basket. Intinya, Streetball kembali lagi pada respek terhadap apapun, termasuk pada permainan dan lingkungan sekitar.
Streetball dan reguler basketball adalah dua olahraga yang berbeda. Sebuah permainan basketball diatur oleh wasit dengan aturan-aturan yang sangat kompleks, danjuga biasanyabasketball adalah permainan indoor yang lapangan basketnya harus memakai atap.Streetball yang terkenal dengan olahraga outdoor berlawanan dengan reguler basketball. Streetball mencoba seorang pemain menjadi kreatif dan mendobrak aturan-aturan yang ada, tetapi masih mengikuti aturan-aturan dasar permainan basketball seperti out, foul,dan sebagainya.
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Labels: Streetball
Monday, December 8, 2008
Celtic Raih Kemenangan Ke-11
Boston Celtic memperpanjang rekor kemenangannya menjadi 11. Di kandang sendiri, TD Banknorth Garden
Juara bertahan NBA itu tampil superior dan menghempaskan Portland Trail Blazers dengan poin 93-78. Kemenangan ke-11 berturt-turut ini adalah rekor terbaik Celtic sejak musim 1985-1986. Celtic pun masih kokoh di puncak klasemen sementara di Wilayah Timur.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008
Garuda dan SM ke "Empat Besar" IBL
Juara Bertahan Satria Muda Britama Jakarta dan Garuda Bandung memastikan maju ke babak "Empat Besar" Liga Bola Basket Indonesia (IBL)
SM tampil sebagai juara Gup A atau Divisi Merah setelah meraih nilai sempurna dalam empat pertandingan yang dilakoninya pada putaran pertama IBL. Garuda Bandung mencata hasil yang sama sehingga menjadi juara Grup B atau Divisi Putih.
Kemenagan terakhir SM diraih saat mengalahkan Citra Satria Pontianak86-49 di GOR Sahabat Semarang, sementara itu Garuda Bandung menang dengan susah payah atas Pelita Jaya Jakarta.Kelly Purwanto dkk hanya menang setengah bola atas Fachri Iskandar dkk.
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Murphy Bawa Pacers Menag
Lemparan Troy Murphy pada detik-detik menjelang peluit tanda pertandingan berakhir dibunyikan memastikan kemenangan mengejutkan Indiana Pacersatas los Angeles Lakers 118-117 pada kompetisi bola basket NBA
Danny Granger mencetak 32 angka untuk pacers. Pacers yang mencetak rekor 7 kali menang dan 10 kali kalah, tertinggal 68-101 ada awal kuarter keempat, namun meraka mampu melesakkan tembakan-tembakan dengan akurat sehingga memimpin perolehan angka sampai saat tembakan Murphy pada detik itu memntukan kemenangan klubnya.
Indiana mengungguli Los Angeles Lakers 118-117 pada kuarter khir dan Granger merasa kemenangan itu patut mereka peroleh."Kami menunjukkan banyak kemajuan pada kuarter keempat dengan melakukan banyak hal dengan benar untuk kembali kembali menguasai pertandingan itu. Troy seorang monster di lapangan. Ia 'melahap' banyak bola rebound dan saya senang ia berhasil karena saya tidak dapat melakukannya"ujar Granger
Di kubu Lakers Kobe Bryant memimpin dengan 28 poin dan Pau Gasol menambahkan dengan 20 poin saat Los Angeles kalah untuk pertama kalinya dalam enam kali pertandingan tandang mereka.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Coaching Book
Tahun Kompetisi IBL 2006-2007, David Zamar atau akrab dipanggil Boyce melatih Garuda Panasia (Sekarang Garuda Bandung). Latihan selalu dipusatkan di GOR C-Tra Arena Cikutra, Bandung. Gw sering melihat dia bekerja menggembleng anak-anak Garuda. Tidak terlihat galak. Namun skuad Garuda terlihat ngos-ngosan dengan materi pelatihan Boyce. Walau hanya menempati tempat ketiga pada musim kompetisi itu, gaya bermain Garuda jadi sangat meningkat. Setidaknya itu yang gw lihat.
Ketika akan balik lagi ke Filipina, Boyce meninggalkan sebuah kenang-kenangan berupa sebuah buku. Jarang banget seorang pelatih menulis buku. Bukunya tipis sekali, hanya terdiri dari 24 halaman ukuran A5. Sampulnya buruk. But hey, in this matter, u really don’t wanna judge a book by its cover lho yaa.
Judulnya “How To Coach Basketball”. Berisi teori prinsip-prinsip dasar yang harus dikuasai seorang pelatih basket. Mendribel bola, menembak, dan mengoper. Disertai pula dengan beberapa pola latihan agar kemampuan teknis tersebut semakin terasah.
Bukunya singkat dan padat. Cocok buat orang-orang yang males baca tapi bisa bahasa Inggris. Nah lho?!
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Labels: Secret Book
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Shooter Garuda Bandung
Denny Sumargo
Denny Sumargo... Tentu bagi para lover bola basket pasti tau nama ini!!ya,, dia adalah MVP IBL 2008 yang membela Garuda Panasia!!
Posisi : Shooting Guard
Tempat lahir : Makasar
Tanggal lahir : 11 Oktober 1981
Tinggi : 180 cm
Berat : 74 kg
Informasi Profil
Club:Viking Makasar 1997-2000
Aspac Jakarta 2000-2004
Satria Muda Jkt 2004-2007
Garuda Bandung 2007-present
Prestasi:Rookie of the year 2000
Slam-dunk champion 2003
MVP Final 2003
All Defensive Player 2002 & 2006
Top Score SEABA 2002 (Manila)
6 times Kobatama & IBL Champion
7 times All Stars Games
National Player 2003
MVP IBL 2008
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Genk Nero Pemain Basket
PATI - Keempat remaja anggota Geng Nero yang kerap melakukan aksi pengeroyokan di Pati, ternyata di masa SMP-nya tergabung dalam satu klub basket yang sering menjuarai berbagai kompetisi bola basket di tingkat kabupaten.
Geng Nero yang terdiri dari Ratna, Maya, Yunika, Tika - yang semuanya masih duduk di bangku SMU - ternyata berawal dari pertemanan keempat gadis remaja tersebut di klub basket SMP Negeri 1 Juwana, Pati. Pembimbing klub basket SMP Negeri 1 Juwana, Suprayit, bahkan mengatakan bahwa mereka sangat berprestasi dan cukup terkenal di bidang basket. "Klub basket mereka sering menjadi juara kompetisi bola basket di Kabupaten Pati," ujar Suprayit."Perilaku mereka juga baik-baik dan nggak neko-neko," tutur Suprayit sembari mengingat tingkah polah keempat remaja itu beberapa tahun silam. Tentu hal ini sangat kontras dengan keberingasan dan kesadisan yang mereka tunjukkan di rekaman video ketika mereka melakukan pengeroyokan terhadap salah seorang korban.Menurut Suprayit, sebenarnya anak-anak di SMP 1 Juwana memiliki banyak kegiatan, sehingga kesempatan untuk berkumpul di luar sekolah relatif minim. "Masuk pagi, belajar sampai siang, kemudian masih ada tambahan pelajaran sampai sore," terang Suprayit. Mungkin itu pula yang dulu bisa meredam tindakan negatif Ratna cs.Ratna sendiri mengakui semasa SMP dulu, di luar sekolah, mereka adalah klub basket dan kelompok curhat biasa. "Dulu kami bertujuh. Kemudian setelah lulus berpisah," kisah Ratna. Dua orang di antara mereka ikut orang tuanya pindah ke Yogya dan Bali, sementara lima orang sisanya tetap di Juwana, Pati. Namun yang kemudian aktif di Geng Nero yang meresahkan masyarakat itu hanya empat orang, sementara seorang lagi tidak pernah ikut-ikutan karena sifat dasarnya memang pendiam.
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Labels: Information
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ring Basket
Bagi kalian basket lover mestitau sebagian tipe Ring Basket yang diasa di pakai oleh para pemain kelas NBA.tentunya kalian juga ingin mencobanya kan??
1.R90C Ring khusus musim panas Pemeliharaan yang bebas di musim semi, tidak memerlukan penyesuaian dan tidak akan melonggar dari waktu ke waktu.Pembungkusnya mempunyai lebar 50mm yang mengait di sekitarnya sehingga bisa terlihat lebih baik. Jaringnya tidak akan menyangkut di besi penyangga jaring. Tali yang menyangkut di besi penyangga saling smbung-menyambung bersama dengan cincin besi.Ring seperti ini cocok untuk permainan dalam ruangan.2.R12B Ganda Ring velkDisesuaikan untuk ruangan . Lebih awet tanpa harus perawatan yang leih kompleks.tebalnya 16mm, dilengkapi tambalang besi setebal 5mm, Ring ini bisa menahan benda seberat 500kg, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk Slamdunk Contest.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
The Ball
Spalding Rockie Gear adalah produk yang dibuat khusus untuk permainan kompetitif, tampilan yang baik dengan material kulit,beratnya lebih ringan 25% dari bola yang biasa digunakan oleh kaum muda, pantas saja jika produk Spalding memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda.Ketika seorang atlet buta di tes di sekitar negeri, Spalding rockie Gear memperlihatkan kualitas yang baik, sehingga produksinya mengagumkan.
Bola Basket Spalding Rockie Gear yang lebih ringan dapat digunakan seorang anak kecil dengan penuh percaya diri, menggiring dengan berhasil, dan menembak lebih baik dibanding mereka yang bisa melakukan sebelumnya.
"Memang benar bola itu lebih mudah digunakan dan saya lebih sernang memainkannya. Spalding berhasil memproduksi Rockie Gear yang mudah digunakan oleh anak-anak ujar seorang pemain baske NBA Mike Maziarz.
Anda Bisa Mendapatkan Spalding Rockie Gear dengan harga Rp.200.000 atau USD $20
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
There has been some confusion as to whether a Playstation Portable version of NBA Live 09 will be released, as it appears in EA's online store as a pre-order item but not under the list of platforms on the official website. I can confirm that a PSP version of NBA Live 09 will be made in addition to the other platforms and presumably will ship around the same time (October 7th).Download Jersey Read More
Top 10 Three Pointers
10. Chris Ford, Oct. 12, 1979Ford is the Neil Armstrong of NBA three-point shooters. Ford, who last year was the interim coach of the Sixers, took one giant step back behind the three-point line for the NBA when he hit the first three-pointer in league history as the Celtics went on to defeat the Rockets 114-108 in the season opener. Ford was second in the league in three-point percentage at .427. His rookie teammate, Larry Bird, was third with a .406 clip.
9. Trent Tucker, Jan. 15, 1990With the score tied at 106-106 with 0.1 of a second remaining in the game, the Knicks' Trent Tucker gathered an inbounds pass, turned, fired and hit a game-winning three-pointer against the Bulls. The basket counted and the Knicks ran away with a 109-106 win. The Bulls couldn't believe that Tucker could do all of that in one-tenth of a second. Neither did the NBA. That's why the NBA instituted a rule for the 1990-91 season that states: "00.3 is needed on the clock to catch the ball and shoot it into the basket whether the shot is made or not."
8. Rex Chapman, May 1, 1997While this three-pointer didn't give Chapman's Suns a win (it just sent Game 4 of the Western Conference first round playoff game against the Sonics into overtime), we include this shot because of the degree of difficulty. Chapman, chasing down an inbounds pass that was too long, corralled it on the opposite side of the floor, running away from the hoop, turned and fired a 27-footer in one motion. Swish. Seattle, however, would go on to win the game in overtime and eventually, the series.
7. Larry Johnson, June 5, 1999Down 91-88 with 5.7 seconds left in Game 3 of the 1999 Eastern Conference Finals against the Indiana Pacers, the Knicks needed a three to tie and a miracle to win. They got both thanks to Larry Johnson. Johnson took an inbounds pass in front of the Pacers bench at Madison Square Garden, pump-faked Antonio Davis into the air. With Davis brushing by him, making contact, Johnson launched a three. It was good, and as longtime Knicks announcer Marv Albert would say, "And! The! Foul!" Johnson converted the free throw as the Knicks went on to win 92-91 and would go on to defeat the Pacers in six games.
6. Sean Elliott, May 31, 1999Down 85-83 to the Portland Trail Blazers in Game 2 of the 1999 Western Conference Finals, the San Antonio Spurs looked as if the series would head to Portland tied at one game apiece. That's when Sean Elliott stepped in, without stepping out of bounds. Catching a pass on the sidelines, Elliott walked the tight rope along the sidelines, turned and fired over the long arm of an onrushing Rasheed Wallace. Good. The Spurs, who had never led and were down as many as 18 points, won the game 86-85 and would go to sweep the series
5. Larry Bird, Feb 6, 1988The NBA introduced the Three-Point Shootout competition during the 1986 All-Star Weekend and for the first two years of the competition, it was no contest. By winning the first two contests, Larry Bird proved himself to be the best long-distance shooter in the league. Out to three-peat, Bird asked before the contest: "Who's finishing second?" But Bird faced considerable competition from Seattle's Dale Ellis, who established a final-round score of 15. Needing to hit his last three-pointer to win, Bird let fly the money ball. With the ball halfway to the hoop, Bird raised his index finger and walked away, still the king.
4. Michael Jordan, June 3, 1992Even though he was considered the best player in the game, he wasn't known for his three-point shooting, hitting just 27 of 100 treys in the 1991-92 regular season. But in Game 1 of the 1992 NBA Finals, Jordan amazed even himself by hitting six three-pointers in the first half. After three-pointer No. 6, Jordan turned to the American broadcast team and shrugged his shoulders as if to suggest, "Who knew?" With that performance, we learned Jordan could truly do it all.
3. Reggie Miller, May 7, 1995If a three-pointer can be a knockout punch, then Miller delivered two roundhouses against the Knicks in Game 1 of the 1995 Eastern Conference Semifinals. Miller, in the span of 8.9 seconds, scored eight points to help the Pacers to a 107-105 win. In that span, Miller drained a three, stole an inbounds pass and then immediately drained another three-pointer before hitting the game-winning free throws. The Pacers would go on to win the series in seven games.
2. Robert Horry, May 26, 2002Down 99-97 with 11 seconds left in Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals, and in danger of heading back to Sacramento down three games to one, the Lakers needed someone -- anyone -- to rescue them. Enter Big Shot Rob. After Kobe Bryant missed a shot, Kings center Vlade Divac batted the ball away from the hoop with time running out. But the ball found Horry at the three-point line and in one fluid motion he picked it up and let fly. Swish. Lakers win 100-99, tying the series at 2-2. The Lakers would go onto win the West and their third NBA title in as many years.
1. John Paxson, June 20, 1993Why is this the greatest three-pointer in our unscientific survey of greatest NBA three-pointers? Because it's the only three-pointer ever to seal the deal. It's the only three to put the capper on a title. For every Suns fan, this three plays out in slow motion. There's the Bulls' Horace Grant triple-teamed under the basket. Grant then turns and finds Paxson all alone on the left wing behind the three-point line. Paxson steadies, aims and fires. Appropriately, Paxson's three-pointer, which gave the Bulls a 99-98 win over the Phoenix Suns, capped the Bulls' third consecutive NBA title.
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Footwork Tips on Basketball
Tips jump stops
Stand on the baseline. Run to the free throw line and come to a 2-foot jump stop. Now run to half court and do a 2-foot jump stop. Run to the other free throw line and come to a jump stop. Then finish off by running to the other baseline and come to a jump stop. The keys to this drill are to stay low (and in an athletic posture) when running and coming to a jump stop.
Front and back pivots
Stand on the baseline. Run to the free throw line and come to a 2-foot jump stop and do a front pivot. Now, run to half court, come to a 2-foot jump stop, and this time to a back pivot. Run to the other free throw line, come to a jump stop and do a front pivot. Then run to the other baseline and do a back pivot.
Change of pace, change of direction
Stand on the baseline. Run in a zigzag motion the full length of the court. Vary your pace, and direction throughout the drill. Occasionally, come to a jump stop, do a pivot, then continue on with the drill. Run through this drill at game speeds, as if you were being guarded by a defender, and have to make moves to get open and keep them honest.
Secret Rebounding drill
Start with your back to the basket, around the middle of the key. Pretend a shot goes up, so you have to do a pivot to block out your man. Slide from side to side a few feet (as if you are blocking out an opponent), then explode up to grab a pretend rebound. Come down with a wide stance, on balance. Turn and pivot and make a pretend outlet pass to start the break.
I know these drills may sound overly simplistic. But that's the point. Basketball is a game of fundamentals and basics. It's a game about dribbling, passing, shooting, jumping, sliding, and cutting. Sometimes people ask for drills that are really dramatic, involve lots of directions, require lost of fancy gear or equipment, and should somehow almost instantly transform a player. Well, most drills aren't like that. A lot of the time, basic, solid drills based on the fundamentals work just fine.
It is important to break the game down into very basic parts and to work on those parts. By building and developing these basic parts of your game, you build a foundation for the rest of your game. You build the foundation for your athleticism, creativity, and talent to shine. Without the basics, without the foundation, you'll never get the chance to show your talent.
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A Key to Scoring the Basketball is Aggressiveness
I watched Dirk Nowitzki really closely, trying to pick apart his game, seeing what he does right, and what he goes wrong. Being a great player is not about what you did last season, or last game, or even on the last play. It's about what you do right now, and on the bext play.Let me tell you: there's no doubt he's a big-time player, and almost unstoppable on the offensive end of the court. He's 7-feet tall, but quick, and with amazing ball handling skills. But what really sets him apart on the offensive end of the floor is his aggressiveness.That, among all of his other strong traits, makes him almost unstoppable. He flat out takes it at the defense, and makes them step up to guard him. Remember: as an offensive player, you are in the position of power. The defense has to react to your moves on the court, and your moves with the ball. Take advantage of that.
To be a big-time threat on offense, you have to be aggressive. Very aggressive.You have to make strong cuts, set good, strong screens, make strong dribble moves, and go up strong with your shot. You have to be strong and aggressive and want to crush the defense.Offense is no time to be bashful or hesitant. Watching Nowitzki play last night made it clear to me that one of the keys to being a great offensive player doesn't involve shooting form, backspin, or how high you can jump. It is simple: to be a great offensive player, you have to take it at the D and be aggressive.